Elegant Zuley wedding dress

Elegant Zuley wedding dress Elegant Zuley wedding dress Elegant Zuley wedding dress Elegant Zuley wedding dress Elegant Zuley wedding dress Elegant Zuley wedding dress Elegant Zuley wedding dress
Telefoonnummer: 063028§600
Model: A-lijn
Halslijn: V-Nek
Merk: Overig
Type: Lang
Beschikbaarheid: 3 Days
Conditie: Gedragen
Garantie: Geen
Verzending: Lokaal

Alma Novias, belonging to designer Rosa Clara, has this beautiful timeless classic wedding dress, model Zuley, in its latest collection. The dress is finished in a supple satin. the top has beautiful clean lines with a v-neckline and modern square low back. The waist gets a nice accent with the wide band. The skirt falls in a generous a-line with pleats, yet remains supple. The large bow on the back is, of course, a nice touch. The dress is minimalistic yet definitely eye-catching!

Originally purchased from Covers in Utrecht, link to dress: https://www.covers.nl/eng/wedding-dresses/zuley/

Dress worn December 2024. Completely dry cleaned for EUR 150 and ready for a new party and celebration. Receipt of original purchase invoice included in the pictures.



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